Searching for Gay Answers
Earlier this year with the help of a lesbian Friend of mine from Colombia, we started a Spanish language blog, Dos Equis. Dos cristianos escriben sobre su fe y sus deseos homosexuales (Two Christians write about their faith and their same-sex desires). There are very few Spanish resources for gay Christians.Unlike my English language blog, the vast majority of people who find Dos Equis do so through a Google search. What repeatedly shocks me is the recurring theme in the search phrases people use, searches that I rarely see in English. In the last 100 visitors, they used the following phrases in their searches:
- como identificar a un homosexual (how to identify a homosexual)
- como saber si mi esposo es homosexual (how to know if my spouse is homosexual)
- esposa lesbiana (lesbian wife)
- como se si mi pareja es homosexual (how to know if my partner is homosexual)
- como saber si tu pareja es gay (how to know if your partner is gay)
- como identificar a un hombre homosexual (how to identify a gay man)
- ¿puede cambiar mi hijo gay? (can my gay child change?)
- como volver a un homosexual a un heterosexual (how to change a homosexual to a heterosexual.
- ¿puede cambiar un gay a ser heterosexual? (can a gay change into a hetersosexual?)
On my Spanish blog I have begun to use some of these searches in my titles in hopes that folks will read a sane and loving message about gay spouses, friends and children.
I look forward to a search phrase like--como cambiar mi sociedad para acceptar los homosexuales (how to change my society to be accepting of homosexuals)
"I look forward to a search phrase like--como cambiar mi sociedad para acceptar los homosexuales (how to change my society to be accepting of homosexuals)"
Me, too.
Wow - that would be great. Really, really great.
elliot, I have a feeling you will have something to do with that change.
carol, thanks for stopping by and commenting. I like your blog.
I just looked at my most recent search word for this blog. So different from what I get on the Spanish blog.
nacho gay
transgender development
gay self portraits
hospitality bible dangerous
Some very bored people out there.
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